I'd like to start a network to link the Little Red Tar Balls project to others who are objectively telling stories. So I've been working Google half to death.
One thing that I found was this wonderful video from SymphonyofScience.com. It really has nothing to do with the oil spill, but it has everything to do with science, so it fits here in its own way. I like this a lot. It has some wonderful images and words. It starts with Neil deGrasse Tyson's words,
"We are all connected,
to each other biologically,
to the earth chemically..."
That had me. Please watch and enjoy. I hope that it makes you think a bit.
I don't know about you, but it made me feel empowered somehow.
There are many more videos at SymphonyofScience.com
Update: Corrected the link to what I believe to be the original video. Someone had apparently downloaded it then re-uploaded to their own account. This one is higher resolution and should have the captioning available, which is helpful since the vocals are sometimes hard to understand.